1. Education and employment

2021-now:  Associate Professor (Universitair Hoofddocent, UHD) 

                  Experimental Zoology Group, Wageningen University (the Netherlands)

2017-2020: Assistant Professor (Universitair Docent, UD) 

                  Experimental Zoology Group, Wageningen University (the Netherlands)

2015-2017: Postdoctoral researcher  

                  Experimental Zoology Group, Wageningen University (the Netherlands)

2013-2014: Marie Curie Research Fellow

                  Experimental Zoology Group, Wageningen University (the Netherlands)

2012-2013: NWO Research Fellow

                  Experimental Zoology Group, Wageningen University (the Netherlands)

2009-2011: Postdoctoral researcher

                  Department of Biology, University of California Riverside (USA)

2007-2009: Rubicon Research Fellow (NWO-KNAW)

                  Department of Biology, University of California Riverside (USA)

2001-2006: Ph.D. research position

                  Department of Aquatic Ecology & Environmental Biology, Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands)

                  & Department of Plant-Animal Interactions, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (the Netherlands)

2001:         M.Sc. (Cum Laude, with honors) 

                  Department of Evolutionary Microbiology, Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands)

                  & Department of Animal Ecology & Ecophysiology, Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands)

2. Funding, prices and travel grants

2018:    5,000 euro: Strategic Investment Theme Resilience (in collaboration with Dr. L. Nagelkerke) (Wageningen University & Research)

2017:    287,067 euro: WIAS research grant (in collaboration with Dr. H-J Megens) (Wageningen University & Research)

2017:    60,000 euro: Strategic Investment Theme Resilience (in collaboration with Dr. L. Nagelkerke) (Wageningen University & Research)

2016:    4,820 euro: Strategic Investment Theme Resilience (in collaboration with Dr. L. Nagelkerke) (Wageningen University & Research)

2016:    240,000 euro: Adaptive Life grant (in collaboration with Dr. JDA Olivier & Prof. B Wertheim) (Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences)     

2015:    800,000 euro: VIDI research grant (NWO-KNAW)     

2015:    500 euro: ASG-publicatieprijs for best publication of 2014

2012:    191,675 euro: Marie Curie IIF research grant (7th Framework Programme, European Union)

2012:    2,000 euro: Field research grant from the Schure Beijerinck Popping Fonds (KNAW)

2011:    284,382 euro: ALW research grant (in collaboration with Prof. JL van Leeuwen) (NWO-KNAW)

2010:    493 euro: ESEB Travel grant (European Society for Evolutionary Biology)

2007:    68,500 euro: RUBICON research grant (NWO-KNAW)                                     

1998:    1,000 euro: SNUF Travel grant (Stichting Nijmeegs Universitair Fonds)

3. Editorial board and reviewer activities

a). Reviewer of grants

ALW Open Programme (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)

ENW-XS (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)

National Science Center (Poland)

b). Editorial Board memberships

2012-present: Freshwater Biology 

2007-2014: The Open Marine Biology Journal

c). Guest editor (with Jaime Zúñiga-Vega, Andrea Aspbury and Jerald Johnson) of special topic in Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution

2020-2021: Special topic “Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior of Viviparous Fishes”. 

d). Reviewer of manuscripts for 37 international journals

Acta Oecologia

Animal Cells & Systems

Aquatic Botany

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

Biology Letters

Conservation Genetics

Current Zoology (formerly Acta Zoologica Sinica)

Diversity & Distributions



Environmental Biology of Fishes


Evolutionary Ecology

Folia Zoologica

Freshwater Biology

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution



Journal of Applied Ecology

Journal of Applied Ichthyology

Journal of Biogeography

Journal of Ecology

Journal of Evolutionary Biology

Journal of Fish Biology

Journal of Heredity

Journal of Zoology

Molecular Ecology

Nature Communications


New Phytologist

Plant Biology

Proceedings of the Royal Society B


Seed Science Research

Scientific Research & Essays

Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment

The Open Marine Biology Journal

e). Reviewer of book chapters

Zebra Mussels in Europe (ISBN 978-3-8236-1594-1)

Ecology and Evolution of Poeciliid Fishes (ISBN 978-0-226-22274-5)